DEAR HARRIETTE: An acquaintance of mine asked me to read a script that he had written, but I have never gotten around to reading it. It was such an awkward moment when he asked me to read it, in person in a restaurant, that I felt compelled to say yes, but then I was either too busy, uninterested or forgetful to complete the circle. I see this guy occasionally, and I know he remembers. This was something he had worked on for a very long time. I feel bad that I agreed to do something and then reneged on it. I have no idea where the script is anymore.
This happened years ago. I bring it up now because I expect to see him at a reunion of our school in a couple of weeks. Should I apologize to him for letting him down? Should I act like it never happened? What should I do? -- Unscripted, Albuquerque, New Mexico
DEAR UNSCRIPTED: It will probably mean a lot to this man for you to acknowledge that you dropped the ball. For him to know that you didn’t mean to blow him off could lessen the blow that he has felt and possibly harbored over the years. Apologize for not fulfilling your promise. Be mindful, though, not to agree to read it now -- unless you actually will. Just say that you are sorry that you flaked years ago, and ask for his forgiveness. You can also ask how his career is going and if he ended up writing scripts.