DEAR HARRIETTE: Have you heard about this coconut water craze? Well, my boyfriend is into it big time! Whenever we go to a restaurant or to the grocery store, that's all he wants to buy. I have read the labels of a few of the brands and see that it is probably pretty healthy. But I don't like it at all; it tastes like dirty water to me. And I don't want to be forced to try to like it, either. I keep telling my boyfriend that it's fine by me if he drinks it, but leave me to my real water. He thinks I'm not adventurous or healthy enough. I find both of those views insulting. How can I get him to relax on this subject? -- Anti-Trend, Rochester, New York
DEAR ANTI-TREND: It is funny how trends can take over people's lives, sometimes for the better, often not. In the case of coconut water, my research does suggest -- as you have learned -- that it can be a healthy beverage alternative. My husband, who is Jamaican, first introduced me to it when we were in Jamaica and I had a stomachache. On the street, vendors sell what's known as water coconuts that are cracked open, and you drink the liquid inside. It instantly calmed my stomach, and I became a fan. That experience is quite different from drinking something packaged in a plastic bottle.
No matter what, you have the right to drink what you want. You tried it. Ask your boyfriend to give you credit for that. You also want to drink water as opposed to carbonated beverages, alcohol or sweet drinks -- another feather in your cap. Point out to your guy that you both are putting healthy liquids in your bodies. Ask him to call a truce!