DEAR MISS MANNERS: I share a name with a high-profile politician, and recently attended a cocktail party for my husband’s office. As I was being introduced to the wife of one of his colleagues, upon hearing my name, she wrinkled her nose and said, “Ugh! Oh nooooo, I haaaate that name. All I can think of when I hear that name is (politician).”
I stared in shock for a beat, then said, “Well, I guess we can’t be friends. Darn.” Then turned and walked away.
Other co-workers think this will eventually come back to bite my husband. He doesn’t care a whit. What should I have said?
GENTLE READER: What you said was not the issue. It was rather how you likely said it, and the abrupt turn afterwards, that may have future repercussions.
How lucky that you have a husband who found it charming. Miss Manners hopes that his loyalty -- or disinterest, as the case may be -- continues for any future career endeavors. She recommends, however, that neither of you consider politics.