DEAR MISS MANNERS: My wife caught me eating at the sink.
I said: ”I bet Miss Manners eats at the sink.”
She said: ”Miss Manners gets served by waiters and footmen.”
Please resolve the correctness of standing and eating at the sink.
GENTLE READER: You are both wrong about Miss Manners’ dining habits, but that should not be the issue here. The issue is not even whether one should eat at the sink.
Rather, it is getting caught eating at the sink.
Unlike morals, manners apply only when they affect other people. Much as we admire those who behave perfectly (or so they say) when they are unobserved, their virtue is unconnected with etiquette.
It is possible that many unsavory things go on in kitchens, and Miss Manners, for one, is grateful not to witness them. She has never understood the restaurant fad for having openly visible kitchens. So the next time you eat at the sink or lick the ladle or stick a spoon into the ice cream carton, make sure the kitchen door is closed.