DEAR ABBY: I have this dilemma. I'm a woman in my 40s with a good job, and I'm told I am a good catch. About six months ago, I moved in with a man I will call Peter. It started as a roommate situation, but then became friends with benefits. We have both agreed we are not a couple.
The problem is Peter has a friend, "Reggie." I like Reggie, and he likes me. We have hung out as a group several times. To the best of my knowledge, Reggie has no idea Peter and I are FWBs.
Reggie recently asked me out to dinner as a date. I can see myself having a real relationship with him, but don't know how Peter will react. Should I accept the invitation? I mean, it's just one date. Also, should I mention it to Peter? -- F.W.B. IN THE SOUTH
DEAR F.W.B.: You and Peter have agreed that you are not a couple. Accept Reggie's offer and be upfront with Peter about it. The only thing that might change would be that Peter will have to find another friend with benefits because the sexual aspect of your relationship with him may be over.