DEAR ABBY: Because my husband and I work, I take our 6-month-old to a sitter several times a week. I understand little ones tend to be mean sometimes -- hitting, biting and pushing -- but in this case, it's a little different.
My sitter cares for her 3-year-old granddaughter as well as her clients' children, and her granddaughter pushes the littler ones. I have seen her push a 1-year-old down. I have never observed any of the other children do it, only the granddaughter.
I wouldn't be so worried if my daughter were 2 and could defend herself, but she's only 6 months old. She is crawling, sitting up and standing already, and I'm gravely worried the girl will harm my infant. I don't want my baby ending up with a head injury. What can I do to try to resolve this? -- DEEPLY CONCERNED IN THE SOUTH
DEAR DEEPLY CONCERNED: Talk to the sitter about your concerns. Ask if it is possible to keep the older girl separate from the younger ones, however, the only way to be absolutely certain your little one is safe would be to change babysitters.