DEAR ABBY: May I share with you a way my husband and I are staying connected? My daughter came up with the idea. She and her daughter live a good distance from us. She decided the four of us should have a virtual dinner together three times a week.
We move our dining chairs together and position a tablet opposite us so we are visible on the screen. They do the same. We use FaceTime (Skype or a similar app would also work) to connect online. We set dinner on the table, say grace together and proceed to eat -- all the while talking, joking and laughing as if we were in each other's presence.
Abby, I can't tell you how much this has alleviated the feelings of isolation. We look forward to it all day. We phone, text and email at other times, as well, but these dinners together are a very special hour or more that give us a feeling of still being connected. It's a difficult time right now, but this is such a simple thing. I bless my amazing and wonderful daughter every day for thinking of it. -- STAYING CLOSE IN CONNECTICUT
DEAR STAYING CLOSE: For those who, because of travel restrictions or financial constraints, cannot be together in person, this is a tradition that could continue well after the quarantine has lifted. I, too, bless your amazing and wonderful daughter for coming up with the idea and you for sharing it. Salut and bon appetit!