DEAR ABBY: Four years ago, I became friends with a co-worker and things took off too fast. Within a couple of months, I became pregnant. We were thrown together without really even knowing each other because, deep down, we wanted a family and decided to stick it out.
Well, it's been a hell of a ride. I ended up having to leave because neither one of us was happy, and it wasn't the greatest environment to raise our daughter in. I came back a few months later, and we have been trying our best to get along and be great parents for her. But our past issues with each other constantly raise their ugly heads and cause problems that make us want to split up.
I have suggested individual and couples counseling, but he isn't into it, and it's always a blame game between us. I'm beyond tired of it. My head says go, but my heart says stay. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. -- WEIGHING THE PROS AND CONS
DEAR WEIGHING: Your child's father may prefer to play the blame game because he's unwilling to own up to his part in the problem. Dragging an unwilling partner to counseling would be unproductive. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't go without him. If you do, you will have a clearer understanding about whether and why you should continue living together. Keep in mind that a household where there is conflict is not a healthy environment for a child.