DEAR ABBY: I am the father of four. I divorced after my third child was born, and I got custody. I have been with my girlfriend, "Wanda," for six years, and we now have a daughter together.
The issue I have is, last year, Father's Day came and went, and Wanda didn't acknowledge it. I didn't even hear a "Happy Father's Day" from her or my youngest child. (My ex-wife acknowledged me.)
I always go above and beyond for Wanda on Mother's Day, Valentine's Day and her birthday, but now, for the first time in our relationship, I felt small and hurt. She apologized the next day and said she forgot it was Father's Day. I accepted her apology but was still hurt, and I said so.
I went through a brutal divorce and fought hard to gain custody of my kids, and raised them on my own for a while. I'm afraid, maybe irrationally, that this Father's Day will be the same, and I'm not sure if I can handle that. Am I overthinking this? -- UNACKNOWLEDGED IN OKLAHOMA
DEAR UNACKNOWLEDGED: I think so. If you and Wanda have a loving relationship 364 days a year, stop nursing this insecurity about one holiday. You have made clear to her how important these special occasions are to you. If she cares about your feelings, it likely will not happen again.