DEAR ABBY: My daughter is 19 and lives with me. She is seeing a 26-year-old man who has a child with another woman he didn't marry.
When my daughter goes out with him, he keeps her out until 3:30 a.m. or later. He has done this twice that I know of. I had a conversation with him, and he assured me he would make sure she is home before midnight, to no avail.
I don't think he's good for my daughter. Should I forbid her from seeing him (because she lives in my house) or let her make her own decision? We are not going to raise a baby out of wedlock! -- TEEN'S DAD
DEAR DAD: Your 19-year-old daughter is considered to be an adult even if she's not acting like it. Tread carefully because if you forbid her to see this man, she may rebel by moving out and in with him.
You have the right to make clear to her that under no circumstances will you raise a baby out of wedlock, and that if he gets her pregnant, she'll be on her own. And while you're at it, point out that her school or job will suffer if she continues the late hours she's been keeping. "Remind" her that what she's doing is irresponsible and will keep her from succeeding if she doesn't straighten up. Then cross your fingers that your daughter will get the message.