DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend, "Chris," and I were planning on moving in together. We went apartment hunting and created a realistic budget we could both maintain. He was the one who brought up the idea and also the one who pushed it.
Chris is an only child. His parents love him so much I think they will do anything to keep him in their house for as long as they can. (He's 21.) I know I must respect his parents, but I also know Chris really wants to be out on his own but is afraid of them.
I want the best for him and for us. How should I handle this situation without harming the relationship between him and his parents, or me and his parents as well? -- WANTING IT IN WISCONSIN
DEAR WANTING IT: Because Chris is an adult, asking him when he does think the two of you can live together would be a fair question. However, if it's one he can't answer, you must realize that he isn't independent enough to cut the umbilical cord, and you should plan for your future accordingly.