DEAR ABBY: I'm a 50-year-old male engaged to be married to my elementary school sweetheart, "Marie." This will be the second marriage for both of us. We've been dating for six years, three of which were a long-distance relationship.
During a time when her mother became ill and sadly passed, Marie told me God had spoken to her and told her not to be sexually active anymore until we're married. I respect and want to honor her and God, but my concern is that we haven't even discussed a wedding date. The earliest could still be six or eight months away. Am I wrong for feeling resentment toward Marie, and will this resentment create problems after marriage with our bedroom life? -- ON HOLD IN SOUTH CAROLINA
DEAR ON HOLD: You and Marie have known each other for many years, and know each other very well in every sense. Because Marie doesn't want to have intimate relations again until after you are married, you should not only discuss a wedding date, but also an elopement.