DEAR ABBY: I met my boyfriend, "Matt," when I was a sophomore in high school. We started dating when I was a senior. By then, he was already active-duty military. We weren't serious at the time (his decision, not mine). We've always had a long-distance relationship.
During his first deployment, Matt broke up with me. He told me he didn't want to see me again when he came home, although I begged him to change his mind. When he came home last year, he felt differently, and we've been together since then. Abby, he once told me after he'd been drinking that "he didn't think we were soul mates" and that "it wouldn't be him sitting next to me when we're 80." He is, however, very reliable and caring. My family loves him and he has a solid life plan.
Matt is now on his second deployment, and we don't get to talk more than about once a month. I recently met another guy at college, and I have fallen completely in love with him. We get along easily and he makes me laugh. I have never felt this way about any other guy before, but I also haven't known him very long.
I worked hard to be with Matt, and we have been through a lot together. I won't see him in person for at least six more months. I don't know what to do. Advice? -- CONFLICTED IN THE EAST
DEAR CONFLICTED: Punt! Real life is more than a bundle of laughs. Do not break up with Matt and do not commit to this new man until Matt is again stateside and sober. Only then will you be in a position to make an informed decision about a future with either one of them.