DEAR ABBY: I'm worried about a close friend I have known for about 10 years. She's well-educated, independent and family-oriented. She has been online dating for quite a while and continually meets guys who have criminal backgrounds.
She dated one of them on the down low for two years because she was embarrassed by how he behaved in public. The most recent man served a 16-year prison sentence for being involved in a murder.
She tells me she doesn't see a future with any of them, but goes on multiple dates and defends them with, "He seems like a nice guy." In the next breath, she'll claim to want a steady and meaningful relationship.
I have voiced my concerns. I asked her what she'd say to me if the tables were turned, and her responses mimic the concern I show her. I suggested she try a different website or mode of meeting potential partners, but it hasn't made a difference.
I believe in second chances up to a point, but now I'm genuinely worried for her safety. Is there anything else I can do to convince her to have safer boundaries? -- CONCERNED ABOUT CRIMINALS
DEAR CONCERNED: No, you have done enough. Until your friend admits to herself that she's fishing for trout in the wrong stream, she'll continue to reel in sharks.