DEAR ABBY: I am 23, married for four years and have three children. My wife and I have always had strong sex drives. I recently accepted a dream job that pays very well. On the downside, I work 12 to 14 hours a day, and by the time I get home I'm exhausted.
I love my wife very much and want to meet her needs, but she wants sex every night. I'm afraid if I tell her I have to save my energy for my job, it will cause problems. How can I get around this? -- OVERWORKED IN ARKANSAS
DEAR OVERWORKED: The shortest path to a goal is a direct line. One thing more important in a marriage than sex is communication. Talk to your wife. If you don't, she may think that after three children you find her less attractive.
Sex is most satisfying when both partners enjoy it. To some women, their standard of living is at least as important as frequent sex. It's time to find out if the woman you married is one of them. (If she's not, you may have to change jobs.)