DEAR ABBY: I met a man eight years ago who has become everything to me. We see each other weekly and discuss life, work, home and more. We are both married to other people.
Our relationship is not only emotional but also physical. We are secretive about our relationship only with our children -- we appear in public together, and my spouse knows about it. Many people at our regular venues comment on how much in love we seem to be. A few of my friends are privy to our relationship and wonder when we're leaving our spouses to be together.
My question is: Can't it just be OK to be happy with what we have? We enjoy the times we have traveled, talked and loved. I am virtually ignored by my spouse, as is he. The time he has been in my life is the happiest I have ever been. But I don't want more.
It's hard to explain. People think I'm in denial, but I'm not. He has issues I wouldn't want full time, as I suppose everyone does, and I wouldn't want to ruin what we have. Thoughts? -- PART-TIME LOVER
DEAR PART-TIME: You and your lover have "an arrangement" that seems to work not only for you, but also for your spouses. It's unconventional, to put it mildly. Because you are so open about it, I'm surprised your children haven't caught wind of it by now. My question to you would be what you and this man plan to do when they find out, because I don't think you can keep them in the dark forever.