DEAR ABBY: I am a widow in my early 50s. While I was dating a prominent OB-GYN, I found out that he's involved in criminal activity -- operating a so-called "pill mill." On our last date he asked me to join an escort service he was starting.
I notified the medical board of the state he's practicing in and various government agencies. It amazes me that he is still practicing. He's doing abortions, which means he has access to vulnerable young women. Knowing this, I have lost trust in our medical establishment. Nothing seems to affect this man's success and practice.
I have given up and am moving far away. What should I do? Have I done everything possible? This is obviously a very difficult situation for me. I am deeply concerned about his patients. I'm getting therapy now for my trust issues because of this experience. Is there anything else I should be doing? -- MS. X, SOMEWHERE IN THE USA
DEAR MS. X: Having notified the proper authorities about this man's activities, you have done everything you can. The only thing left is for you to concentrate on healing yourself, and your therapist can help you with that. I wish you luck in your recovery.