DEAR ABBY: My situation is upsetting and I don't know what to do anymore. My girlfriend, "Dana," is pregnant. My ex-wife showed up at our door with terminal cancer and nowhere to go. When I told her she could stay with us, Dana moved out.
There is no one that my ex can rely on except me. I am torn. I love Dana and don't want to lose her, but I can't turn my back on someone who has no one in her life who cares. I wish Dana could understand what I'm going through. Please help. -- IN TURMOIL IN WISCONSIN
DEAR IN TURMOIL: Are you absolutely certain about your ex-wife's prognosis? Have you verified it? Why is she your ex-wife? Why are you the only one in her life who cares? Has she burned all her other bridges?
Without more information, your question is a tough one to answer. But if you love Dana, then the wrong woman is living with you. While you don't have to turn your back on your ex if she truly is terminal, you should absolutely find her other living arrangements.