DEAR ABBY: I love my husband. We have been married for 45 years. But if he isn't in control of the TV, he is unbearable. Even if someone else is watching something, he will come in and demand to change the channel. If he falls asleep and we change the channel back, he gets mad when he wakes up. He'll change it back and immediately fall asleep again. I have tried to get him to understand he is being rude, but he doesn't agree.
I realize this isn't a serious problem, but it's very annoying. Thanks for any suggestions you might have on this issue. -- MARRIED TO A TV HOG
DEAR MARRIED: Trying to reason with your husband won't work because what he's really doing is asserting himself as top dog in the household. I'm sorry you didn't ask me sooner because I could have saved you years of frustration by recommending you get a second television set in another room.