DEAR ABBY: We have a neighbor who "decorates" his yard for Halloween in the worst way imaginable. Every year it becomes more macabre. He has "bodies" hanging from tree limbs, gravestones with RIP on dirt mounds and other unbelievable atrocities. He thinks it's funny. It is despicable and it scares the children who must walk past his yard.
When we ask him not to put such deplorable items in our neighborhood, he doesn't take it seriously. I'm thinking about taking up a collection and bribing him not to put his growing, vulgar display up this year. What can we do? -- SPOOKED IN TOPEKA
DEAR SPOOKED: What you're describing is a feature of Halloween that many children enjoy. However, you can't "protect" your children forever. When they're old enough to understand, explain to them that this is all done in the spirit of fun, and it's not real or dangerous.