DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have four great kids. They are well-behaved, respectful and full of fun. Hubby and I are having a disagreement concerning them, however.
I am an admitted "bed snob." I make every bed in the house every day, just the way I want them done. It makes me crazy when my husband insists that the kids do it themselves.
Our kids have homework, daily chores they alternate (cleaning the kitchen after dinner, doing laundry, etc.), as well as what we call "Chore Day Sunday," which is a family affair when everyone has a list of larger chores to complete. The kids know how to make their beds because I have taught them, and I feel that insisting they make their beds daily, too, is silly.
I enjoy doing this small thing. Am I crazy or is he overreacting? -- HOMEMAKER IN GEORGIA
DEAR HOMEMAKER: You're not crazy. I'd be curious to know why your husband feels so strongly about this, particularly since the kids know how to make their beds and you have made clear that you do it because you enjoy it. Having their beds made for them won't scar your offspring for life, so ask "Hubby" to indulge you by letting it go and not creating a problem where one doesn't exist.