DEAR ABBY: I had suspicions my dad was cheating on my mom, and when she found a mysterious earring in the house one day, I knew I had to find the proof. I went into his iPad and checked his email/Facebook and IMs and found he apparently has a girlfriend. She works in his office and is also married with a family.
Dad found out I broke into his iPad and confronted me. Instead of apologizing for cheating on my mom, he told me I need to think about what I'm doing because I could be ruining a bunch of lives. He also made sure to tell me that by breaking into his iPad, I had broken the law.
I think I should tell my mom because she doesn't deserve this, but I'm not sure how to tell her. HELP! -- FOUND THE PROOF IN GEORGIA
DEAR FOUND THE PROOF: There is a saying, "The best defense is a good offense." That's the playbook your father is following by trying to make you feel guilty for his transgression.
Because your mother found another woman's jewelry in her home, she may already have a hunch that something is wrong. It is not your job to save anybody's marriage. Tell your mother what you have discovered, because her marriage is threatened and she deserves to know so she can decide how she wants to handle it. Forewarned is forearmed.