DEAR ABBY: Is it acceptable to bring a teacup-sized dog to a wedding? The excuse was, "Well, the wedding was at the beach." The pre-dinner and dancing were inside a high-end resort on the beach. The dog was taken inside these establishments.
After a guest -- a family member of the dog's owner -- asked the owner to remove the animal because the occasion was not about her and her dog but the bride and groom's day, the owner put the dog in a carrying case and the dog returned to the wedding for the rest of the night. Only this one couple made an issue of it and they weren't in the wedding party, but relations of the dog owner. What do you think? -- DOGGONE DISGUSTED
DEAR DOGGONE DISGUSTED: The rule of etiquette states that nothing should distract attention from the happy couple -- and especially the bride -- at the wedding. However, if the dog owner had first asked for and received permission to bring the animal to the festivities, then it wasn't rude and the relatives of the dog owner were wrong to intervene.