DEAR ABBY: I'm three months pregnant. Before I got pregnant, my husband and I enjoyed having wine with dinner or a margarita when we were out on the town. We didn't drink to excess, but have enjoyed alcohol in moderation.
Obviously, I can't drink anymore, but my husband carries on like nothing has changed. I'm becoming resentful every time we go out to eat.
I asked him once if he'd quit drinking until our baby arrives. He looked shocked and said, "Why? I'm not pregnant." I guess I feel left out because he's having fun. I want him to suffer with me, and this is really getting on my nerves. Any advice? -- RESENTFUL IN TENNESSEE
DEAR RESENTFUL: Yes. If you feel you are missing out on "fun" if you can't drink, you have a potential alcohol problem. Tell your husband that when he drinks in front of you, it makes you crave alcohol, and ask again that he respect your feelings and not do it. A considerate husband and father-to-be should respect that you are doing the heavy lifting (literally) and help all he can.