DEAR ABBY: My long-distance boyfriend, "Wayne," moved here two years ago to take a job working for my twin sister "Kim's" mentor. After five months on the job, Wayne was terminated and was replaced by -- my sister! To say there are hurt feelings is an understatement.
Wayne and I were unaware that Kim had been having an affair with this much-older married father of two. He has now left his wife and kids and is living with my sister. Kim is enjoying her job as his assistant and reaping all the benefits of his long-established business.
I'm devastated by the betrayal. It frustrates me that after months of deception, my twin is benefiting from a massive indiscretion that ended a marriage and destroyed a family. We were always close, but I don't want to include her lover in any upcoming events in my life. She says they're a "package deal." How do I move past this -- or should I? -- DECEIVED BY MY EVIL TWIN
DEAR DECEIVED: I'm not sure what "upcoming events in your life" you're referring to, but if they include Wayne, his feelings should also be taken into consideration. How angry and resentful will he feel if he's forced to interact with the man who fired him so he could be replaced by your sister?
I can't decide for you how you will work this out, but I will offer this advice: For the present, make no hard and fast decisions. This could play out in any number of ways. Her boss could marry her, or he could return to his wife and family. Wait and see what the future brings. It's often full of surprises.