DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m in the running for a new job at my company. The woman above me just quit to go to another company. It’s obvious (to me, at least) that this is the perfect job for me. I think my bosses like me a lot, and they say I am doing a good job. What should I do to lobby for this position? I want to get to the next level at my company, and I feel that now is my chance. -- On the Move, Philadelphia
DEAR ON THE MOVE: Take the time to research the job opening. What are the qualifications needed? Do you fulfill them? What makes you uniquely suited for this role? Develop answers to these questions so that you can go to your bosses and pitch yourself confidently as the right person for the job. Be proactive. Don’t wait too long to alert your bosses to your interest. You need to seem eager and prepared to step in. Don’t talk to your co-workers about it. Go directly to your bosses. When you present your strengths, do not compare yourself to any individuals in your company. Instead, speak to your interests and knowledge of the business. State with enthusiasm that you are ready to step into this next role. Tell them that they can trust you do to an excellent job.