DEAR HARRIETTE: I am so tired of politics. My husband seems to live and breathe it. From the moment he wakes up until he goes to sleep, he has the TV tuned to cable news programs, and he devours whatever they have to say. It’s like life has become its own reality show, and I just want it to stop. At the same time, I want to spend time with my husband. How can I get him to take time off from the news to spend more time with the family? -- No More Politics, Alexandria, Virginia
DEAR NO MORE POLITICS: You need to get realistic about your expectations. You will not be able to wean your husband entirely off his political lifeline. You can, however, suggest that he reserve time for you. Be direct with him. Tell him that you miss talking to him and wish he would turn off the TV sometimes.
Perhaps you can agree to watch the news with him regularly if he agrees to turn it off after an hour. You can also remove the TV from your bedroom if one is there and tell him you want your room to be a TV-free zone.
Think of activities that your husband may enjoy, and invite him to participate in them with you. Implore him to choose you and your precious moments together at least sometimes. Tell him you miss him. You may also want to offer him a moment of intimacy if he chooses to turn off the news.