DEAR HARRIETTE: A boy who I have gone on a few dates with recently texted me telling me he got us tickets to the circus. I do not support animal abuse, and this circus uses animals in their performances. I told him that I would prefer not to go and that he should take someone else. He overreacted and told me that I should choose a fun date over the animals. Do I have to justify my stance to him? I cannot see this relationship going anywhere anymore. -- Ringleader, Dallas
DEAR RINGLEADER: It may not be time to cut off this boy entirely. He made an honest mistake while having the intention to come up with a creative idea for a date. You should give him credit for thinking outside the box, beyond a bar or the movies. That said, you surely do not have to go to a circus if it offends your principles.
I think that this has a lot to do with tone. You are clear about your beliefs about animal abuse. You can continue to stand your ground on that point without judging this person. Thank him for trying to come up with a fun experience. Ask him if you two can talk about what another good idea might be. See if he is flexible at all about figuring out a Plan B. If you allow yourselves to get to know each other better, you may discover that you have more similarities than differences. Give it a chance.