DEAR HARRIETTE: I am finding myself going crazy. I accepted a new management role within my company about four months ago, and while I should be happy, I cannot be any more stressed. I'm rushing, so I'm not eating well. I haven't been sleeping right, and gym time has been nonexistent. I'm meeting my deadlines and executing my work well, but I know this is not going to be a sustainable strategy. How can I get some order back in my life so I can regain my sanity and my health? -- Not Trying to Die at 40, Philadelphia
DEAR NOT TRYING TO DIE AT 40: I recently attended a conference where Magic Johnson spoke. He described his action-packed day as starting at 4:30 a.m. in the gym, where he works out for two hours to start his day. He recommended fitting the exercise in as a way to have the energy to do all of the work before him. Because fitness was a top priority, he did not allow it to be compromised. I restarted my exercise campaign and recommend the same to you!