DEAR HARRIETTE: I have struggled with body acne for years. I have gone to various dermatologists and receive the same answer: I will have to live with my scars and occasional acne.
To combat how insecure I feel about my body acne, I apply full-coverage foundation to the parts of my body that are exposed. My insecurities mostly go unnoticed unless someone tries getting too close to me. My makeup has rubbed off on people! I feel so awkward whenever this happens, and I usually deny it being me. Should I offer to clean people's stained clothing? I feel so embarrassed whenever this happens, but I usually blame whoever came too close to me and caused it to rub off. -- Staining and Running, Baltimore
DEAR STAINING AND RUNNING: While full-coverage foundation can mask severe acne from a distance, it is probably making your condition worse; the coverage makes it hard for your skin to breathe. I recommend that you consider holistic options to your treatment. Read up on natural remedies for acne, including drinking significantly more water, reducing or eliminating fried foods and extra fat, dramatically reducing sugar and increasing exercise. Learn about essential oils and experiment to see if oils such as tea tree, lavender, juniper berry and clary sage help to reduce your outbreaks. Come out from behind the mask of makeup, and figure out natural ways to heal your body.