DEAR HARRIETTE: I am engaged to the woman I love (and whom my family loves) and have been for about a year. Recently, my ex-girlfriend came back from Asia, and I have not been able to shake the feeling that I should see her. I have always thought of her as "the one who got away," and we broke up because her adventurous spirit did not match mine. We promised to reconnect after she was done traveling. This was roughly 8 years ago. I know I am engaged, but I would like to try to see my ex-girlfriend. I am not sure if she remembers our promise, or if this is a good idea. Should I try to reconnect with the one who got away? I am not sure if she feels the same way about me. -- Torn, Seattle
DEAR TORN: If your commitment to your fiancee is being shaken by the thought of your ex, then perhaps you should make plans to see her to figure out what you want to do with your life. The worst thing that you could do is marry your fiancee and later meet up with this woman and decide to leave your wife for her. Before taking any action, figure out where your heart is. That includes looking closely at the life you are building with your fiancee. What about it do you value? Can you envision having a family with her? If so, is it worth it to run after a phantom from your past? What do you imagine will happen if you reconnect with your old flame? If you feel like you have to find out, do so with haste. Make a decision quickly that respects everyone involved. Whatever happens, do not disrespect your engagement.