DEAR HARRIETTE: I am a believer that everything happens with a reason and purpose. A man I have known for 20 years has come back into my life. The connection is really strong between us, but we do not live in the same state. He has two children and a common-law wife, but I do not care because I am in love with him. Do you think I should explore these feelings, or should I let past feelings stay in the past? -- Wonderful Memories, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
DEAR WONDERFUL MEMORIES: Let the past stay in the past. You are a dreamer, which can be nice; however, in this case, your dreaming can set your life and this man's on a course toward disaster. He obviously has made his choice to build a family with his partner and their children. For you to explore romantic possibilities with him while he is in an obviously committed relationship would be disrespectful and potentially destructive. If you do not believe you can curb your feelings for him, step away and do not rekindle any kind of friendship with him. It is not worth it for anyone involved.