DEAR HARRIETTE: I was recently mortified by the condition of my friend's apartment. He is single and lives on his own. He has a pit bull that is out of control, but that's only part of the problem. He has dishes stacked, food containers open and sitting for days, and the kitchen is in disarray. There is trash in his bedroom -- literally trash! And his bathroom is unusable. His apartment looks like a dumpster. This is unhealthy! What should I say or do? He doesn't care. -- Rohit, Boston
DEAR ROHIT: Your friend has a serious problem that could be a sign of Attention Deficit Disorder. He could be a hoarder. He could be depressed. To help him, you are going to have to be brave to address your friend. Ask him directly what's going on in his life. Ask him why his home is in such bad condition. Clearly, something is wrong. He may not be aware of how bad his apartment looks, as hard as that is to imagine. Suggest that he hire someone to help clean up his place. Encourage him to get some help so that he can live in a healthy environment.