DEAR HARRIETTE: I have recently been let go from my job's two-year training program, and it was totally unexpected. I had put in a lot of time, hard work and effort into that position, and I always felt like I had been undervalued. After graduating college, I realized the career path I had chosen was good for me, but the company and position made me miserable. I was working long hours, and I was not passionate about the work. I am trying to look at this as a blessing that I realized in my early 20s rather than my later years. On another note, even though I got fired, I have saved up enough funds to cover rent for a couple of months. Since I will be able to take care of rent, is it necessary that I tell my roommate that I got fired? -- Poised for Next, Silver Spring, Maryland
DEAR POISED FOR NEXT: Blessings do come in unusual packages. You should be grateful that you figured out what you don't want to do early in your career and that you have money saved to support yourself as you look for a job.
For integrity's sake, you should tell your roommate of your status and your intentions for getting a job. Lay out your reality clearly, so that you both know when you have to be employed before your ability to pay rent could be an issue. If you get near that point, discuss adding a roommate or moving out. Honesty really does work.