DEAR HARRIETTE: I didn't get everyone in my church group a present for Christmas. I simply couldn't afford it, nor do I really think I need to give a group of adults more stuff. I decided to write cards for each of them. I bought holiday cards and wrote a special note for each person. Do you think that this is sufficient? I figured that a personalized sentiment would count for something. I hope it doesn't make me seem cheap. -- The Thought that Counts, Dallas
DEAR THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS: I love your idea. I do not believe that people should spend exorbitant amounts of money for holiday gifts. I think it is wonderful to acknowledge people whom you love. Sharing personal messages is a perfect way of doing that.
As a child, it was my job to address the envelopes for my aunt, who sent holiday cards to all of her friends and relatives. It was delightful to sit with her and listen to her tell stories of these people as she signed each card. Thank you for invoking that memory for me! I trust that others will consider sending cards to their loved ones as well.