DEAR HARRIETTE: My daughter is entering her senior year of high school, and she told me two days ago that she would like to be an engineer because math is easy for her. I was surprised because I thought she would go college to get a degree in fashion. She's designed her own clothes since she was 6 years old. I am big fan of my daughter, and I would like to know what I can do to continue to fuel her desire to become an engineer? -- Momma Wants Best, St. Louis
DEAR MOMMA WANTS BEST: First, as it relates to your daughter's interest in fashion, know that she does not have to give up that passion. It can remain a hobby for her. It could also be incorporated into her work as an engineer if she decides to marry the two fields. An example of this is that there are many fabrics that are made now thanks to technology that designs intricate patterns. It took engineering to make that happen.
As far as your daughter's interest in engineering, the best thing you can do for her is expose her to the field as soon as possible. There are many internships available that provide a window into the world of engineering. The Department of Homeland Security runs a great national program for college juniors and seniors (when she's old enough). You can learn more about it at