DEAR MISS MANNERS: Two years ago, I introduced my close, longtime friend, Nora, to Lauren, an acquaintance whose husband is my husband’s boss. To my delight, they hit it off -- so much so that a few months ago, they decided to go on a three-week trip together.
The vacation was a disaster. The women fought constantly. As my close friend, Nora spared me no details.
I will most likely have to socialize with my husband’s boss and his wife soon. How should I respond if Lauren asks me what Nora said about her and their trip together? I have a feeling she will ask. The last thing I want is to inflame the situation and to be placed in a tight spot.
Can I pretend I don’t know anything, other than that they had a good time?
GENTLE READER: One generally assumes that the boss’s wife is not the pork-chop-throwing type of hostess, but given your friend’s reports from the trip, you are right to be prepared.
A ready answer to a question of, “Did you hear about the trip?” can save you from having to outright lie: “Oh? How was it? Did you two have a wonderful time?”
If the boss’s wife is smart, she will also be prepared: “It was such a remarkable place. Are you and your husband getting away this summer?” But if she is not, you will be able to listen passively until an opportunity presents itself to run away.