DEAR ABBY: I'm a lesbian. There's a girl I have liked for a little over a month. We are like best friends. When I told her I was attracted to her, she basically friend-zoned me, which hurt. Then she told a mutual friend she was considering being "friends with benefits" with me, and I got excited. Well, she changed her mind again because she was afraid it would be awkward.
I still have a crush on her, but I value our friendship. We spend so much time together, and things are easy but also challenging because I just want to grab her and kiss her. We snuggle all the time, and she gives me hugs every day (we live in the same dormitory). I want to make out with her. These mixed signals are killing me. What do I do? -- DAZED & CONFUSED IN FLORIDA
DEAR DAZED: You're right. This young woman is giving you mixed signals. That's why you should put her firmly in your friend zone. Stop the hugging and snuggling and move on, so you can find someone who reciprocates your feelings. (Absence has been known to make the heart grow fonder.) Perhaps when she realizes that you are capable of moving on, her feelings for you will change. However, if they don't, you will have lost nothing but more heartache.