DEAR ABBY: I work as a receptionist in a small medical office. I love my job, but I cannot tolerate when my co-workers make fun of our patients. Sometimes it happens while the patients are still in the exam rooms, maybe within earshot. Even the doctor contributes to this crudeness.
Some examples: "Did you see the size of that guy's nose?" or, "What's with the color of her hair?" or, "He smells like he hasn't had a bath in weeks." This goes on throughout the day every day. Is there anything I can do or say to change this mindset? We have great patients. -- AT A LOSS FOR WORDS
DEAR AT A LOSS: The person who's responsible for the lack of respect for the patients is your employer, the doctor. If this is happening sometimes within earshot of the patients, I am, frankly, shocked that he or she has a medical practice.
There is nothing you can do to change the culture in that environment. Because it upsets you -- and I can certainly see why it would -- you might be happier working for another doctor.