DEAR ABBY: I used to be a successful working woman until I lost my husband of 30 years. After I became homeless, I met "Tom." We've been good friends for the last five years, hanging out in the woods, sometimes getting hotel rooms. It's a platonic relationship, but we rely on each other.
I receive Social Security survivor benefits now, and I want to move on and get my own place. He says he's fine with it, but I feel terribly guilty. He gets a small disability check but is not wise with money. How can I comfort him? -- GUILTY IN FLORIDA
DEAR GUILTY: Tom has told you he is fine with you upgrading your living situation. I presume that you don't intend to desert him. Believe him and stop flogging yourself for your good fortune. Help him when you can and encourage him to contact an agency that helps the homeless so he can get his life back on track, too.