DEAR ABBY: My family just came back from a relative's after a weekend visit. The occasion was a birthday party, and he had a tattoo artist come over. My boyfriend -- the father of our 14- and 3-year-olds -- spent our last $100 and went ahead and got himself a tattoo! We aren't rich, and we had to borrow money for gas to get home.
I think he is the most selfish person on the face of the planet, and I get mad at him for every other little thing now. I can't imagine many adult men would do that to their partner. I know a few who would even say, "No, Honey, you get something. I can wait." Is there any hope for mankind? -- MARK OF DISASTER IN WASHINGTON
DEAR MARK OF DISASTER: There is plenty of hope for mankind; for the father of your 14- and 3-year-olds, maybe not so much. Was he under the influence at that party, or does he make poor decisions about money often?
That tatt is now a constant reminder of your disappointment in him, so I hope it's in a place where you don't have to see it every day or night. You have my sympathy, but you chose this person as a life partner.