DEAR ABBY: My hairdresser, former neighbor and friend recommended her unemployed brother to do some minor repairs to my home. He and his sister were trying to push me into a relationship. I am a widow with no children. I have no mortgages, car notes, etc. I'm not wealthy, but I am well set.
My hairdresser recently mentioned that her brother was using crack cocaine again. I'm furious that she didn't disclose her brother's addiction sooner. Should I let it go or confront her about this? I really don't want to lose my hairdresser. -- STYLED RIGHT IN THE SOUTH
DEAR STYLED: You are certainly free to ask your hairdresser why she didn't tell you her brother had a crack habit before recommending him to do repairs in your home. It's a fair question, if nothing is missing and the repairs were done properly. Refrain from doing it while you are angry. If you hang onto your temper, there is no reason why your relationship with the woman should end.
As to a relationship with the brother, no law says you must have one with him. You don't have to be confrontational, but be less available. As you spend more time with other people, he will get the message.