DEAR ABBY: I'm in my mid-40s, and a LOT of my female friends are involved in multilevel marketing companies. Whether it be for eyelashes, supplements, jewelry, antiaging products, candles, leggings, etc., I receive nonstop "invitations" to buy their products.
I'm old enough to know from experience that most of the products are rubbish, and many times way overpriced. I'm simply not interested. How do I politely (yet firmly) decline the invitations that come my way without hurting their feelings? -- MULTILEVEL MARKETING HATER
DEAR MULTILEVEL MARKETING: It's time you recognize the difference between a friendship and a marketing ploy. If you are invited to something, feel free to ask whether there will be any selling and, if there will be, decline. To do so is not being rude or hurtful. Women who are really your friends will continue to be, and those who aren't will disappear.