DEAR ABBY: I met my lady on a blind date many years ago. When I knocked on the door, it opened and this beautiful girl was standing there. Thinking I could never be so lucky, I asked, "Is your sister home?" No. She was my date.
We dated for a few months, fell in love and got married. We have had a wonderful 55-year marriage, and it gets sweeter every day. We handle different opinions with courtesy and respect.
I'm 81 now, and hugging and kissing her fills my heart with warmth and happiness. The greatest joy in my life is to love and be loved. I wish everyone the same. -- ECSTATIC IN NEW JERSEY
DEAR ECSTATIC: Congratulations on 55 years of happiness. Thank you for sharing your love story with my readers and me. Today, I wish them -- and you and your lovely wife -- a very Happy Valentine's Day.