DEAR ABBY: I am currently dating someone, and although it hasn't been that long, so far everything has been great. We each have two children from previous relationships. We have discussed the topic of marriage, having a child of our own and have even considered adoption.
One day he told me he wanted to tell me something. He ended up saying that before going into the military years ago, he "had" to marry his ex. Problem is, although they have lived apart for three years, she isn't his ex. They are still married. He said they have no interest in being together and have both moved on. When I asked when he plans to divorce her, he said he hasn't had the financial capability to do so. I don't know how to take this news. Any advice? -- THROWN IN NEVADA
DEAR THROWN: You need more information. Has this man been supporting his ex all this time, or is she self-supporting? Who is supporting the children? How much money does he think he will owe her if they divorce?
I'm not familiar with the divorce laws in Nevada, but an attorney who is licensed to practice there will be. It would be very much worth your while to make an appointment with one to discuss what your boyfriend has told you. You should do it before becoming any more involved with him.