DEAR ABBY: I may be having a midlife crisis. I'm not happy in my marriage and haven't been for quite some time. I pray every night that my husband will find someone else so he will leave our marriage. I tried to leave him before, but financially I couldn't make it. I'm now at the point where I don't care about the financial side of it.
I recently kissed a co-worker. It was really hot, heavy and I want more. I haven't felt this alive in years. My co-worker is not the reason I want a divorce, but now, feeling desired by someone makes me want out even more. But I'm a coward. I don't know how to tell my husband I'm no longer in love with him. -- COWARD IN THE SOUTH
DEAR COWARD: Not knowing you, I can't determine whether you may be having a midlife crisis. However, you definitely do need to talk to your husband, if only to ask if he feels the same emptiness that you do. It would be better for both of you if you tried counseling to see if it's possible to heal your marriage before you run out the door.
I caution you about involving yourself in a workplace romance while you are feeling this needy. If it doesn't work out -- and most of them don't -- you could find yourself not only without a husband but also a job.