DEAR ABBY: I'm 41 with two adult kids and my youngest, who is almost 15. For the last eight months I have been dating a woman with two kids -- one is nearly 10 and the other is 4. We have a lot in common. We get along great, and I really like her.
The downside is, I'm having a hard time accepting starting over and raising kids that young. I have been living alone with no kids full time for 11 years. She has a flexible schedule, and her kids spend 50 percent of the time with their dad. I know one day we will have to move in together, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with it. -- DREADING IT IN ILLINOIS
DEAR DREADING IT: I'm a strong believer in communication. If you are having second thoughts, share them with your lady friend so you can decide together what your next step should be and if there will be a move in your future. And when you do, please remember that her first responsibility is to her children and not to you.