DEAR ABBY: Homecoming is next month, and we are not allowed to take outside dates. My girlfriend goes to a different school and doesn't want me taking anyone else. My school is very small (only 60 kids in the whole high school) and not asking a girl to the dance is frowned upon. It's the custom to ask one of your classmates to homecoming.
My girlfriend grew up in a bigger school where homecoming is much more important. She's convinced I'm going to be someone else's Prince Charming for the night. What she can't understand is that it's nothing like that where I go. Taking someone to the dance at my school isn't romantic -- it's a gentlemanly thing to do. You pick any girl who hasn't been asked and go with her.
I'd like to ask someone -- as friends only -- to the homecoming dance, but my girlfriend gets incredibly upset when I talk about it. Please tell me what to do. -- ONLY A DANCE IN TEXAS
DEAR ONLY A DANCE: Your girlfriend needs to be less controlling and more understanding. You have already explained that not taking someone to the homecoming dance is frowned upon in your community. So what if you are "someone else's Prince Charming" for one evening? Your girlfriend can't attend, so why not be a good sport and let you make someone happy for one night? What you should do is go to the dance and, if your girlfriend still doesn't understand, ask your mother to explain it to her "woman to woman."