DEAR ABBY: I have never been married. I've been perceived as a "playboy" for many years now. I don't mean to be, but when I sense the potential for a passionate romantic encounter with flowers, candy, champagne, pot (and an occasional Quaalude), the urge takes over.
I was never considered "hot" until I turned 50 and decided to get in shape. I had a hair transplant, a neck lift and lost 25 pounds. Shouldn't I continue to enjoy this? I'm really loving it. But I worry about the comments about my age. I look about 38. -- MAX IN THE MIDWEST
DEAR MAX: If you are wooing adult women with flowers and candy, that's the traditional way of going about it. However, if you are using alcohol, pot and Quaaludes to render them so dizzy they can't refuse your advances, it is considered rape -- a prosecutable offense no matter how good you look for your age. If you doubt me, just look at the news.