DEAR ABBY: I am in a long-distance relationship with a man who lives halfway across the country. Because he's very wealthy, he arranges for all the airfare. I am a single mother and I have limited finances.
"Bruce" owns a successful business and, through his business, racks up millions of credit card points. He never pays out of pocket for any vacation expenses -- hotels, car, airfare, cruises, etc.
Because I have been flying so often to see him, I have been bumped several times from my flights and received travel credits on the airlines, which I was excited to get because now I have the ability to fly with my children somewhere.
The problem is, Bruce insists I use the vouchers only to see him since they were obtained on his points. I argued that they were my vouchers for giving up my seats. He says, yes, the seats he "bought."
Getting airfare is absolutely no skin off his nose -- he has millions of dollars and millions of points! Am I out of line here? -- BUMPED IN KANSAS
DEAR BUMPED: I don't think so. However, you are getting an insight into Bruce -- who appears to be unwilling to subsidize any travel that includes your children. If you haven't already noticed, that should be a big red flag if you're considering a future with this millionaire.